lunedì 7 agosto 2017

VUOI DAVVERO LAVORARE ONLINE? Crea con me la tua struttura! FUNZIONA

Link per l'iscrizione:

The Millionaire Mindset

Hola! Benvenuto in questo blog.
In questo post parliamo di  risultati concreti.
Grazie al programma di affiliazione di 4CORNERS ALLIANCE GROUP,
azienda di MULTILEVEL MARKETING che si sviluppa su una matrice forzata 4x6 
(da non confondere con Sistemi Ponzi o Catene di S.Antonio.)
sono riuscito e sto continuando a costruire una mia struttura, una rete di contatti veri e sinceri, persone reali con le quali collaboro giornalmente e con le quali stiamo mettendo le fondamenta per una futura rendita e una base solida per poter operare nel mondo del guadagno online.

La possibilità di entrare in un team di lavoro attivo (con più di 80 membri), ricevere formazione, strumenti e informazioni per creare assieme il tuo metodo, il tuo lavoro.

18$, pari a 16 euro, una cifra se vogliamo ridicola per le grandi opportunità che ti offre.
E si parla di 16 euro una e dico una sola volta.
Poi non scuciremo più soldi di tasca nostra.
Adesso non voglio andare oltre, ma 16 euro li spendiamo molto spesso per cose inutili.
Questa e' una possibilità da tenere in considerazione perlomeno.

Essendo un'azienda che fa Multilevel marketing, si rivende ovviamente un prodotto.
Facciamo un esempio semplice:
Parliamo di calcio. Supponiamo che Luca sia un amante del club Milan e che navigando online scopra un azienda che rivende tutta la storia del Milan club attraverso una enciclopedia divisa in vari volumi/libri e argomenti. Luca ovviamente che vuole conoscere tutto della sua squadra preferita decide di acquistarlo. E può farlo o direttamente dal negozio virtuale, oppure acquistarlo tramite il programma di affiliazione.

Vuol dire che con un'unica spesa di 18$ Luca può iscriversi al programma di affiliazione, comprare il primo volume della storia del Milan, e rivendere tutta l'intera enciclopedia a chi e' ovviamente interessato. Facendo questo tramite l'iscrizione attraverso il suo link personale l'azienda che ha creato l'enciclopedia del Milan riconosce a Luca una percentuale sia per aver fatto una vendita, ovvero aver iscritto una nuova referenza, sia un guadagno nel tempo del 100% su tutti i guadagni che le persone iscritte sotto di Luca  faranno.
In questo modo si crea una rete di contatti, si maturano i soldi per acquistare tutti i volumi dell'enciclopedia e se ne esce anche con una rendita garantita da tutti gli iscritti che si andranno a formare nella propria struttura.
Ma ritorniamo a 4CORNERS.
Ovviamente i libri che rivende e che rivendiamo con 4CORNERS non parlano della storia del Milan club, ma sono un corso completo di formazione ed educazione finanziaria ed economica dove viene spiegato per filo e per segno come si diventa dei veri NETWORKER. Si impara a gestire il denaro, a trovare referenze a creare canali, a fare visualizzazioni, incrementare i guadagni ecc.
Direi che per chi e' interessato a guadagnare online, poter ricevere informazioni utili per crescere professionalmente e nello stesso tempo guadagnare offrendo questa opportunità ad altre persone  e' assolutamente un'opportunità da prendere in considerazione.

Da anni cerco di stare sulla cresta dell'onda di questo mondo di pubblicità e di guadagno, e molto spesso pur avendo ottimizzato in maniera proficua molte piattaforme online, non sono riuscito molte volte a toccare con mano effettivamente quei soldi che avevo maturato,  e se già hai avuto esperienze saprai bene di cosa parlo.
Finalmente con 4CORNERS il pagamento e' preciso e puntuale. SETTIMANALE!
E parliamo di un'azienda attiva e pagante  dal 2013!

Un sigillo di garanzia che incrementa la sua fama giorno dopo giorno permettendo a migliaia di persone di imparare a gestire il denaro e creare una rendita economica che le renda libere di vivere la PROPRIA VITA.

Quando ti iscrivi  su 4Corners entri nel mio TEAM OPERAZIONE TRIONFO.
Non solo ti aiuteremo e insegneremo a fare referenze e creare la tua rete, ma ti aiuteremo in maniera più concreta in modo che tu  possa già ricevere in maniera passiva referenze e guadagni e quindi un comodo appoggio per aumentare la tua fiducia e la tua stima e quindi incrementare il tuo guadagno mentre ti formi piano piano, senza nessuna fretta obbligo e soprattutto senza più mettere soldi di tasca propria.


Quando entri nel piano di affiliazione di 4CORNERS iscrivendoti e versando i tuoi 18$, 16 euro praticamente, entri in un sistema chiamato MATRICE FORZATA e in questo caso una matrice 4X6, ovvero l'Azienda di paga fino a 6 livelli di persone iscritte sotto di te.

Essendo una 4x6 vuol dire che al nostro primo livello, troveremo 4 persone.
Una volta trovate le 4 persone (e ripeto o le trovi tu o le troviamo noi, e adesso capirai come)  avrai completato il tuo primo livello e acquisterai il secondo livello, quindi il secondo set di e-books della formazione, e così via fino al sesto livello senza più aggiungere denaro grazie ai nuovi iscritti che decideranno come te di partecipare a questo CORSO ONLINE (infatti i libri del corso che 4CORNERS propone sono e-books, ovvero libri online in Pdf, da scaricare e volendo stampare e leggere, o leggere direttamente anche dal vostro TABLET.)
Essendo una matrice forzata e una volta completato il primo livello, ovvero le prime 4 referenze, dalla quinta in poi andranno come referenze dei nostri stessi sottolivelli  (andranno alle prime 4 persone che avevamo iscritto al nostro primo livello).
In questo modo il nostro lavoro andrà a beneficio di chi si e' iscritto sotto di noi e potremmo così diventare veri sponsor dei nostri iscritti aiutandoli a costruire rete e rendita.
Perché anche se arrivano dalla nostra struttura e non da noi direttamente, le referenze che entrano sotto la nostra downline personale ci garantiscono ugualmente la percentuale d'ingresso. Esempio:
Oggi tu entri nella mia struttura tramite il mio link di affiliazione 4corners.
Attualmente entrerai al mio terzo livello, e nel primo livello di una delle mie referenze.
Quei 18$ che investi nell'iscrizione vengono suddivisi così:
10$ per acquistare il primo set di libri LIVELLO 1-
4$ a me.
4$ alla referenza in cui sei entrato/a al primo livello.

In questo modo, se entri oggi in 4Corners, nel team OPERAZIONE TRIONFO ti garantiamo anche in maniera passiva, con lo spillover, la possibilità di avere referenze e guadagni grazie al lavoro del nostro team! E a differenza delle altre matrici dove quando una referenza si blocca, blocca tutta la matrice, in 4CORNERS grazie all'auto acquisto fino al sesto livello, anche se qualche referenza si ferma o abbandona la sua attività di ricerca affiliati, la matrice non si blocca e la struttura continua a crescere, permettedoci così di agire in totale serenità anche quando erroneamente inseriamo persone che poi tradiscono la nostra fiducia! Quindi NIENTE STRESS! NIENTE ANSIE!
Non lavori più solo!
E siamo molto molto attivi!
L'unione fa la forza!

PRIMI PASSI, cosa fare dopo aver effettuato l'iscrizione e il pagamento di 18$.

Qui sotto il link del gruppo Facebook del mio team

Puoi trovare consigli, materiale promozionale, testimonianze, e contribuire ad arricchire il gruppo e aiutare tutto il team ! L'Unione fa la Forza, UNO PER TUTTI TUTTI PER UNO con 4CORNERS!
Questa e' la filosofia. Se ti veste bene come abito, indossalo e unisciti a noi!


4 Corners Alliance Group nasce negli Stati Uniti, a Las Vegas esattamente, è una derivazione della Cornerstone Alliance Group LLC che si occupa della produzione e divulgazione di e-books sulla letteratura finanziaria. Ha creato questo programma per la divulgazione di 6 prodotti inerenti la gestione e lo sviluppo economico e finanziario della persona.
Sviluppa il programma mediante una matrice forzata 4 X 6, dove 4 sono le persone del primo livello da cui parte la matrice e 6 sono i livelli entro cui paga l'azienda.

Cosa aspetti?

Per una rendita che durerà negli anni!
Entri nel mio team OPERAZIONE TRIONFO con cui collaboriamo giornalmente tutti assieme per un'unico scopo: libertà finanziaria e crescita personale.
Ricevi assistenza, formazione, strumenti, mezzi e supporto per iniziare da subito
a creare una vera rete e una vera rendita tramite la rivendita del programma 
di formazione e affiliazione che 4Corners propone.

Diventerai Ricco.

E' proprio il meccanismo stesso di 4Corners a rendere tutto questo INEVITABILE!
Qui ci mettiamo non solo la faccia, ma anche impegno ed energie.
Due screenshots che mostrano il piano compensi.
Attualmente e' stato modificato il secondo livello dove ora si guadagnano 4,80$ 
a referenza invece di 4$.

L'iscrizione non e' possibile con Smartphone/android.
Una volta iscritto potrai accedere anche da Smartphone.

ANCHE POSTPAY, Postpay Evolution o  BITCOIN 

QUI sotto alcuni screenshot tratti da uno dei libri della formazione FINANZIARIA 4CORNERS

Qui sotto trovi il link del gruppo Facebook del mio team 

Puoi trovare consigli, materiale promozionale, testimonianze, e contribuire ad arricchire il gruppo e aiutare tutto il team ! L'Unione fa la Forza, UNO PER TUTTI TUTTI PER UNO  con 4CORNERS!
Questa e' la filosofia. Se ti veste bene come abito, indossalo e unisciti a noi!

Tutti i più grandi NETWORKER  usano o hanno usato 4CORNERS ALLIANCE GROUP.

Alcune testimonianze e spiegazioni in video.


Make Money from Home

My personal Website link:

Four Corners Alliance Group is setup to be a one size fits all, everyone get in the door ‘wealth creation opportunity’ that’s been causing quite a stir as of late amongst online business gigs. Our goal is to give you a no-non-sense approach and appraisal of the buzzing affiliate program like this that will further help break down the business inside and out.
From our research and review process, we can see Four Corners was started by David Harrison and was meant to attract the attention of everyone who is interested in immediate cash flow using the phraseology “money in, money out”. Let’s dig a little deeper into an up and coming MLM scheme to see if this is spam scam or a worth while deal.

What is Four Corners Alliance Group? 

4Corners Alliance Group is a new matrix MLM that offers a way for you to make money online. The company has recently become popular in the world of network marketing for its universally applicable and flexible compensation plan that gives on lookers an easy opportunity to create a residual income.
The company’s corporate office is located in Las Vegas and seem to have a solid business models in place with IT and support available to all affiliates and members.
The concept of four corners alliance group is pretty simple; when you join you get access to digital products and a business educational newsletter that comes out every month and allows you to get pay a residual commissions (hopefully these are not more me too type products because there is already an overwhelm here).
Many people have become attracted to the company since they offer a low buy-in fee of only $18 to begin earning commissions. That’s really one of their biggest selling points and attractions from what we have gathered and that’s why we call it the ‘everyone get in the door deal’.
At first glance, there is nothing really special that makes this company unique (like iPAS2), but at the same time many people could be attracted to the simplicity of the business and the opportunity to earn 80% to 100% percent commissions from building a team with this organization.

4Corners Alliance Group Products

4Corners offers 2 products that are presented in an easy to access instantly downloadable format.
The products are educational and offer information on how to attain financial security and create a lasting business online.

Four Corners Alliance Group Financial Education Set

The first set of products four corners alliance group offers comes in a set of 16 books that are distributed into 6 level membership purchases.
The information in these books is available in multiple languages, including Spanish, Malay and Thai and it focuses on helping you reach your financial goals and build a solid online business. This can be beneficial for building your organization since not only you will benefit from learning how to build a business but at the same time your growing team can take advantage of the information and create a strong organization as well.

Educational Books Details –

Level 1 – Book 1: the Essentials
Level 2 – Book 2: Become a Smart Investor
Level 2 – Book 3: Millionaire Mindset
Level 3 – Book 4: Dealing With Credit Card Debt
Level 3 – Book 5: Living Trusts
Level 3 – Book 6: Economics The Truth Behind The Spin
Level 4- Book 7: Protect Yourself for Identity Theft
Level 4- Book 9: Debt Crisis
Level 5 – Book 10: Real State Investment
Level 5 – Book 11: How To Invest In Gold and Silver
Level 6 – Book 12: Investment Principles
Level 6 – Book 13: Time value of money
Level 6 – Book 14: Real State Investment Trust
Level 6 – Book 16: Investing For Impact

Monthly Newsletter Subscription

The second product that you can have access to when you join four corners alliance group is a monthly business and lifestyle newsletter.
To get the newsletter is $29.95 from what you are paid an 80% commission residually.

Four Corners Alliance Group Retail Store

If you are not part of the business you can also purchase the books and the newsletter from the company’s retail store.

Is Four Corners Alliance Group a Good Business?

The program is very new to make a prediction to whether it will stay around the market place or not. Obviously, like we mentioned the iPAS system and even opportunities like Dubli Network or MAPs – we believe 4Corners is not in the same classification or group as these – however, I do not think that is there direct aim or primary function they are trying to achieve – like I said, not to use the word cheap in a condescending way, but they are trying to attract people from all walks of life around the world.
Even though their info products offer good information its hard to tell if anyone would be willing to pay for the products alone, after all there is a ton of free information at our fingertips with a simple Google or YouTube search. With that said it’s likely that most people who join the business will do so because of the compensation plan and not the info products.

 My personal Website link:

Hola! Earn money online. Enjoy 4Corners Alliance Group.

To explain 4 Corners as simple as possible. Step 1 You join, cost $ 18 or less than R 270 once omlff no monthly fee This puts you on level 1 products = 3 e-books on Gold and Silver inve sting, how and why. Step 2 I add you to my closed 4C group and show you steps on how to recruit and mentor you on success on the model. You need to bring in 4 personals, add them to the team group and I will mentor them too. You earn $ 4 each person, = $ 16, the system upgrades you to the second level from the profits of $ 10. So you then receive second level e-books. You will be left with $ 6 but I recommend leave it until you get to level 6. Your 4 bring in 4 personals, they earn $ 16 and are upgraded to level 2, but 4x4 = 16, this gives you $ 64 and upgrades you to level 3. You earn $ 4 x 16 = $ 64, the system upgrades you to level 3 products. This repeats to level 6 Now, each person you personally bring in gives you check matching bonuses, so logic says, when your 4 earn $ 16 you do too x 4 When they earn $ 64 you earn that x 4 as well. If you do not however bring in 1 person, you still earn and are upgraded, but you dont earn the check matching bonuses they do as they are their personals. If you bring in more which is naturally encouraged you move up the system quicker and the matrix is filled quicker, those that bring in more are rewarded and help those that bring in none. Its the most fair and simply smart Wealth creating model I have ever seen. No one falls off and no one fails. The people who are good at marketing set a goal to bring in 200 personals, this gets them to the rank of Diamond, and you earn 3% on every sale to infinity to the next Diamond, once the next Diamond is found you earn a 100% check matching bonus on their income. 3% may not sound a lot, but just picture people upgrading to level 6 at a cost of $ 300 Their are a total of 32 modules or e-books put together by the company, and although I have dealt with financial products and money for 20 years, I have learnt so much already, and have only read to level 2 so far. Their is no diploma or degree in the material, but practically their is no wealth school wither that will show you or teach you these secrets and tips on money and what to do to make it, invest it and protect it. So the average person, through the model can scrape together their $ 18 OR R 270 and create incredible income, but for those that doubt, lets say you invest the R 270, do nothing, but hopefully you will at least put in some form of effort and reward, and make $ 1000 in a year, if you didnt bring in one person, well your better off, as R 270 goes into R 13500 many times. But the person who is committed and dedicated in bringing in 200, imagine the $ 1000 x 200. Thats $ 200 000 One step further, what if they have 10 people out of the 200 that earn $ 10 000 for the year? Thats an incredible $ 100 000, BUT remember this is the first year, it can only grow from their. $ 200 000 + $ 100 000 = $ 300 000, but based on this, we must take off the 10 x $ 1000 = $ 10 000 AS THEY DIDNT MAKE $ 1000, they made $ 10 000 So end result is $ 290 000 x R 13. 5 = R 3 915 000 (3 MILLION, NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN THOUSAND RAND) So join, bring in no one and the max you can earn is $ 595 000 OVER A SET TIME Bring in 200 personals and the max you can earn is $ 22 000 000 OVER A SET TIME The best investment in time and money I have ever seen, knowledge, and money to apply the knowledge.

What is Four Corners Alliance Group?

4corners is a new and dynamic online network business in the USA founded by Mr. David Harrison. As a network business 4corners offers people an incredible opportunity to educate themselves financially and also earn money at the same time. Unlike other network businesses, where u carry health or fuel products chasing people to buy before you make money. In 4corners you don’t go around selling products to anyone. Members make sales by downloading books to read.

What Product is 4CORNERS marketing?

4corners just like any other network business has a product to market. But as I said earlier 4corners market financial education sets of books in an ebook or PDF form. Not health or tea products. Just PDF ebooks on financial issues like investment, financial literacy, managing your debt, how to save etc. These books are very valuable and rich to educate every average person on financial matters. So these are the products you are going to have access to download by joining 4corners. You just download them on your device (laptop, phone etc) and read. This is far better and smarter than carrying health products around chasing people to buy. Check out the digital products Here


4corners just like any network business offers it’s members a powerful compensation plan to make money by paying members handsome commission from the sales of the ebooks. A sale in 4corners simply means
1. You have registered someone,
2. Your downlines have registered someone or
3. Your downlines have moved to another level.
Simple as that. So anytime any of the 3 things above happens, you receive a commission. There are three powerful ways you earn money in 4corners but will talk about the best two.
1. Instant commission
2. 100% matching bonus
Others include the “monthly newsletter subscription” for a lifetime residual income.  See the video presentation for details
This is the commission you receive whenever a sale ( remember the 3 things ) of the book is made in all your 6 levels. You will start at level 1 by just recruiting four people, Only 4 and they also bring 4 each and they also repeat the process. So 4,16, 64, 256, 1024, 4096.
Level 1= $4×4 people, you make $16. $10 is auto deducted and you are upgraded to level 2.
Level 2= $4×16 people, you make $64.
$25 is deducted and you are upgraded to level 3.
Level 3= $10×64 people, you make $640.
$60 is deducted and you are upgradedto level 4.
Level 4= $24×256 people, you make $6,144.
$150 is deducted and you are upgradedto level 5.
Level 5= $60×1024 people, you make $61,440.
$300 is deducted and you are upgraded to level 6.
Level 6= $120×4096 people, you make $491,520
Total commission – $559,824
Total deduction -$550
NB: At each level you get a financial education ebook
So you see how powerful 4corners is. $559,824 in instant’s commission alone. All you need to do is believe, join us and also register just 4 people.. only 4…everyone knows 4 people so anyone can do this.

100% Matching Bonus

Now this is the part that makes 4corners one of the Best Networking Business Bicester ever. You are paid the same money the 4 people (or more)  you directly sponsor receives in the business. Did you hear me? When ever the 4 people you brought into 4corners make any money, you are paid same amount on them on all the levels. Other network marketing companines pay you 5, 10, 15% but 4corners is giving your 100% Matching Bonus on your direct sponsored downlines. This is unbelievable but it’s Realllllll
So when your 4 people make $16 in level 1, you make $16x 4,thus $64 in matching bonus…
when they make $64 in level 2, you make $64×4 also, thus $256…
now when your 4 make $559,824 after level 6 you make $559,824 x 4= $2,239,296 in your pocket. This is incredibly incredible… no MLM business does this…  only 4corners…. so u can see why people are joining 4corners worldwide What if you sponsor more than 4? Let’s say you sponsor 25 and maybe 10 of them make it to level 6, that’ll be $599,824 x 10 which is $5,998,340 in your pocket as 100% Matching Bonus on your 10 direct sponsor. This is fabulous (^_-)

Why should You Join Four Corners Alliance Group Now?

1. Only $18 to join. One time payment. No money from your pocket again.
2. No carrying of health products to chase people. You just download ebooks to read.
3. You withdraw your money every Tuesday, not 2weeks or a month.
4. The Matrix is achievable if you take it seriously like you would your normal job.
5. It can earn you more than your normal job would.
6. You can cash out fast in Bitcoin which happens to be the best financial revolution after the Internet. Your hard earned money is free from devaluation or inflation. It protects your purchasing power.
7. It’s not one of those HYIPs or Ponzi Scam with very unrealistic profits , you’re sure to earn as long as you work for it.

How do I Join Four Corners Alliance Group? 

You can click on the link above or at the end of this post and pay the one-time fee of $18 using:

1. Visa/master card

If you have a bank debit/credit or prepaid visa/master card, you can use to register. The $18 will be deducted by 4corner from your bank accounts. Currently $18 goes for around #8000 depending on the bank you are  using.

2. Solidtrustpay

If you have no visa card, we will register you through an online system called stp. You will pay $18 and we use it to register you.

3. With firstmonie e-wallet

Activate it on your mobile by dialing *894#. Then follow the prompts. Then go to any First Bank PLC and pay in the sum of #6000 into ur e-wallet number. Then use that mobile number to pay online.


Bitcoin became the first decentralized cryptocurrency in 2009 based on a special encryption technology. It is highly secured and can be used for peer to peer exchange anywhere in the world without any third party financial institution. 
Create a Bitcoin Wallet for free at or and get it funded with at least $19 and you are set to register. There are multiple ways of getting Bitcoin depending on your location and which is convenient for you.
For USA,  Canada, UK –  
For Australia, New Zealand – 
For India – 
For Philippines – 
For Singapore –
For Malaysia –
For Nigeria And Africa –,  Naira4Dollar.comremittano, luno wallet etc
For Dubai and rest of UAE – 
For Rest of the World –

What do I get after I register? 

Immediately you are registered, you get the following.
1. Your own personal 4corners website and link to register others.
2. You get access to download ur level 1 and subsequent levels ebooks.

How do I make withdrawal?

This is the most important question, 4corners has several ways for you to withdraw your money but I personally think Bitcoin is the most effective and efficient way to cash out your hard earned cash in the business irrespective of your locality.

1. Solidtrustpay (stp)

You will open an stp account once you register. It’s free. Then you withdraw ur money into it and and from there to your bank account. you can also sell it to other 4corners members who wants to register people using stp. they send the money to you through mobile money and you transfer the dollar equivalent to their stp account.

2. To your visa card.

You can withdraw your money to your own bank visa card or MasterCard.

3. Bank accounts/Wire Transfer.

You can withdraw the money straight into your local bank account.

4. From 4corners straight to your mobile money account.

Just dial *894# to activate firstmonie. And then activate the M COMMERCE channel.
5. To your Bitcoin Wallet
Login to your Bitcoin Wallet at, click on “recieve” it’ll give you a barcode or a long strings of alphanumeric about 33 characters starting with “1” as in this 1P2Lc5sYM9mHHPHjxxxR5eFoUWk2kTwxxx. That is your Bitcoin Wallet Address, copy it and insert it when you’re asked on 4CornersAllianceGroup, then type in the amount and voila! The payment would be processed and delivered to your Bitcoin Wallet on the next Tuesday. 

Will I Get Support from the Team When I Join Now? 

Yes, all the support you will need to succeed is given you in 4corners.
1. You will be added to our WhatsApp group to meet all the members after you register. You can ask all questions for clarification and support.
2. You will be able to add the people you want to register to our prospects groups so the top leaders talk to them for you. You just add them and we talk to them for you. Simple as that.
3. You don’t have to do much talking, We’ll give you video presentations that you can share with your potential prospects when they show interest


I am sure you see how easy and profitable 4corners is, if you want to make some extra income for yourself, then I recommend you join us. 4corners is very powerful and can turn your financial situation around. Only $18, and just 4 people, and you will be on your way to financial freedom. If you can’t do this then I don’t know. Come begin your journey to success with 4corners. Remember “the poor people are working hard as the rich people are working smart”
Come work smart in 4corners. Just get back to me lets get started if you are ready to make those earnings your own reality now


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Business online e Rendite passive.

Elenco delle possibilità   di guadagnare ONLINE  Team Operazione Trionfo Sito Web: Pagina FB : ...